09 November 2009

student exchange:day 1

like i promise you, i'll tell you about 250

hari pertama aku di SMPN 250, keadaannya beda banget sama keadaan di SMP LABCSCHOOL. aku gak sendirian, tapi ada puput,tika,hakim,arkan dan juga guru pendampingnya itu bu okta. awal-awalnya kita berlima tuh kea deg-degan grogi gajelas parah! tapi lama lama udah biasa aja sih..pas udah masuk kita ke ruang kepala sekolahnya gitugitu deh yaa kenalan, nanya nanya dll. pas bel dibunyiin (tepatnya meloncengkan bel), semua anak-anak 250 baris soalnya mau upacara kan, ya terus aku berlima yaa jb jb barisan gitudehh. di pertengahan upacara, Hakim sama Tika disuruh maju terus ngenalin mereka juga aku puput arkan. abis upacara, kita berlima disuruh menuju kelas yang ditentuin gitu. yaa aku dikelas 8-1. seterusnya dikelas, aku ngenalin diri gitukan kea gini 'assalamualaikum, nama saya vika dari SMP LABSCHOOL KEBAYORAN. saya duduk dikelas 8B, salam kenal'. yaa pokoknya gitudeh, aku duduk sebangku sama anak perempuan namanya Mustika. habis itu, guru matematika dateng namanya siapa yaa..kalo nggak salah tadi itu Bu Karyani. dan setelah pelajarannya Bu Karyani, dilanjutin sama pelajaran seni budaya, bindo, ips. selama dikelas, banyak banget anak laki-laki yang usil paraaah! yaa ada gitu 3 laki-laki ngelemparin 2 penghapus hati -.- ke mejaku yagitudeh pokoknya eergh!

peace love and gaul semua byebyebyebye

05 November 2009

transform into..

at wednesday, naila, dea, and me were changing colours to our lego watches..and..

naila's she has an aqua raiders watch..i love the yellow neon colour

dea's she has a creator watch..i love the deep green colour

mine ♥well, this is my lego babe huiuiuiui

i call this 'the jungle'
TUH-DUH!! ;) that yellow neons (almost glow in the dark) are naila's
that deep greens are dea's

cute? you bet!


04 November 2009

countdown 5,4,3,2,1 voila!

5 hari lagi me, puput, tika, arkan, dan hakim student exchange to smpn 250. sebenernya awal ikut student exchange niatnya ke 11 yaa tapi gpp laah hehe mau nyoba sekolah negri juga. lagian smpn 250 itu deket sama my PRIMARY SCHOOL :):):):) sd alazhar syifa budi kemang! puput tuh takut banget pas dia tau dia di 250..well me too wekekek jadi tuh dia minta nomer telefonku seakan-akan dia lostttt haha lebay lu put gakdeeng ;P wahahah and then apalagi yaa..emm yesterday i beg to pak cep -.- karena aku gak mau di alpus (no offense ya!) soalnya di alpus itu aku ga punya temen sd gitudeh..11 itu banyak temennya makanya mau! yeaa soo, keanya i'll be gone for a week ya semuanya. sehabis pulang dari 250, aku bakalan nulis everything di sana yo friendss. speaking of 250, disana ada ac gak sih? semoga ada amin! haha hopeless dah wkwk okay yea soooooooo....................your friend,
vikacool ♥

02 November 2009

bumax dress

yep, that's the dress *above*, and i'll introduce the new dress that i always wear for..sleep -__-
haha nooo! this dress's not for sleep silly C; it's for HANGOUT lahh wekekek

these pictures *under* see see:now you see what i mean right?, the dress = BUMAX cause its not too minim and not too maxim..the point is this dress's not too short and not too long. minim BUt not MAXim yeaa its hard to explain the meanings..intinya gitudeh haha -fyi, i've a lot of BUMAX colours..red blue and brown-

me ♥

27 October 2009


long time no post! well byebye

13 October 2009

FINAL DESTINATION 3-D (friewmssss)

jadi ya, abis pulang sekolah gitu. me with my friends pergi nonton "final destination" yang 3-D LOCHHHHHHHHH (eee..) :). and then, ya gitudeh ganti baju dimobilnya syp ya..aza kalo nggak salah. udah gitu aku pake baju "corpse bride" yang super kuwl. and ZARA beige shorts.me (very left) :)

oke dan kita semua went to kinokuniya :). disitu kita ke bagian buku "JEPANG". anddd here's the pictureee ♥

itu buku bahasa JEPANG asli [p.s : itu gak baca beneran, dan ghina pura-pura ketawa] huhu saaad..

and these are our magazine wannabe pictures, check it out ya'll ;)

Ghina's wannabe

Aza's wannabe

My wannabe

Our wannabe

ella-left, dinda-center, me-right


~have a nice day



you see, her life is super duper very HEALTHY. she never eat meat beef or something like that. even CHOCOLATE! oh god..heheh. she like's veggie thing and the unique thing from her is..she often eat a fruit porridge *gulp*. and you see, Im very proud being her grand daughter cause, now she's 60 years old. but, her face is just like a 40 years old woman. IM VERY PROUD ;). and the most "proudest" thing from her is..she's very creative!! she made a red fluffy headband for me 1 week ago. and OH IT'S SO CUTEEE! you must see, see, see
see the red box, it has a hand made tag..so, it's a proof that my grandma made it by her own hand :) love you grams :D

aku baru tau, kalo my grandma punya "TONS OF A DIFFERENT COLOR FLUFFY HEADBAND" in her house! you hear me.."TONS OF A DIFFERENT COLOR FLUFFY HEADBAND" she like's color green so, there's many fluffy headband with a green color in her collection box. dan aku juga baru tau she has a "HUNDRED TONS OF A COLOURFUL BROOCHE" :) there's a brooche that made by my auntie, herself, and she bought it at Ballarat~Melbourne. maybe sometimes I'll take a picture of my grandma's collection. but, next time yaa

lot of love,

lemme tell you all !

sekarang..me lagi exam!! day 2
and...tip tophh, karena lagi nggak ada kerjaan..ngepost something about exam yups :)

my "closest" special bag :) it's cute, simple and FUN! (eeee...-.-)heheh

my Legitimacy card -unimportant- you see..I drew a lovely girl AND THAT'S ME haha noooo
that's because Im bored=bort :):):) *rada blur deh gambarnya, emang!*

and..what's again? I dont know! same as me, yeah you dont know what Im gonna type on this post.


04 October 2009

Blackberry curve 8320

uhm, what a great day to post a design for my curve. let me tell you something about my old curve..long long ago when Im still at 7th grade, me with my family went to Australia for a holiday. do you know what! I lefted my curve on our 'rental car' and I wanted to leave Gold coast and continued my trip to Melbourne. I was crying all the way to Melbourne in the airplane. after that, my father's calling "europcar"[the place that me with my family rentaled the car]. and they said, they've found my curve! OH GOSH Im so happy to heared that. my father ordered them to sent the phone to Melbourne. but, until my last day in Melbourne..my curve's not arrived yet. so, I decided to bought a new curve. and Voila. this is my new curve - not so new curve, bought it at 8th grade.The front side
The back side

wihii, see that? oh yea, let's take a look to the skin - blue with a cloud skin. my auntie bought it for me the skin at ->Garskin. it's totally awesome!
and I wishh, I have these things for my curve and customize it ;)

All white curve housing!! if im not mistaken, the price of this housing is 225.000 IDR

I want to order this cruella devil skin(garskin) - for the curve.

enough already ya peopleee
lot of ♥, me

02 October 2009

that's right

I change my link


